git commit -m ‘feat: proper messages’


I’m a huge fan of git. Throughout my career I’ve used many source control systems: Visual Source Safe, Team Foundation System (tfvc), Subversion (with TortoiseSVN) and even the horrible Rational Team Concert. But it was git that made care for how code is stored. 

But, what I want to talk about today is Commit Messages, from the point of view of Git.

Why proper commit messages are important

A commit message should be short and clear with what the changes applied are. Let’s say you’re looking for a commit where a variable was changed from int to a GUID, and you have to parse through a list of commit messages like:

  • Commits 1101 and 1102 don’t tell us what changed, it tells us why the change was needed.
  • Commits 1105 to 1107 show how frustrated a developer was. This information should be kept in the project management system.
  • Commit 1103 goes too much into detail about the change. The “how” can be viewed by seeing the source code.
  • Commit 1102 tells us which classes were changed showing the “how” but not “what”
  • Commit 1101 tells us a “what”, but “refactor” is too wide of a definition to be able to pinpoint the changes.

In order to improve this commit history we have to follow a standard established for commit messages.

Commits should describe what happened, not how

This list doesn’t show what happened, making them useless to see. What can we understand from “update per” or “qa found bug to fix”. Better commits could be:

Note: If you have a project management system that can sync a commit to a work item, it’s always a good idea to link the two. 

Commits should be short

Out of the list of commit messages, probably commit 1103 is the one that will be skipped the most. It’s too long for the purpose of history of changes. Commits should be understood at a glance, a better message here would be:

Commits should not list files

If we want to see the files change, we can easily list it from the commit. Typing the files in the commit message is redundant. From


Comments should a complete this phrase

“If applied, my commit will [Commit Message Here]”. This makes the commit message understandable and short. Using commit 1105, the phrase “If applied, my commit will aaaaarg” doesn’t make sense. 

Applying this to the commits that the frustrated developer did,  it would look like this

Semantic Commit Messages

The previous rules have been working great, but if we apply Semantic Commits (also called Conventional Commits) we can add a type to each commit message, making it even easier to see what happened when. There is a limited number of commit types:

  • feat: (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)
  • fix: (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)
  • docs: (changes to the documentation)
  • style: (formatting, missing semicolons, etc; no production code change)
  • refactor: (refactoring production code, e.g. renaming a variable)
  • test: (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
  • chore: (updating grunt tasks etc.; no production code change)

There are many other rules that you can apply, more information here.

If we apply Semantic Commit Message to our last two commits, they would look like:


By applying a set of rules or conventions to our commit messages, our git history looks cleaner and easier to parse. There are more advantages to working like this like: work is more properly contained by commit messages, changelog can be automated. But the main goal is to make our commit graph easier to read so we can find what we’re looking for. Below is the same commit history with all the rules applied.

Speaking of, which commit had the change from int to GUID?


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