Category: Uncategorized

  • Decoupled Communication Between Services

    Decoupled Communication Between Services

    Introduction When two services, let’s call them Frontend Service and Backend Service, are communicating with each other, the most straightforward way is for one to call the API endpoints of Backend Service. This synchronous call is usually accomplished by making that RESTful call to the service or by using a client package that the receiver…

  • Inside the controllers

    Inside the controllers

    Previously I talked about how any system can talk to any other system using an API, in Poller’s case, using WebApi. Each area of functionality can be accessed through a controller, e.g. Client Controller, Agency Controller, Polling Controller, etc. Each controller is only the entrypoint for that area, they only receive the request, direct where…

  • Persisting Data/State

    Persisting Data/State

    I was originally going to start writing about Data Access, and how it should be abstracted and encapsulated so if the database changes, it’s easier to replace the code that accesses it. However, after doing some research, I read about the term “Persistence”. By using Persistence we are expanding the reach of the application, it…

  • Back that App

    Before I start talking about the back-end, I want to mention the pattern in which web projects are built: any modern web application has different layers, and each layer should only do what it’s supposed to. Mainly it goes Frontend, Backend, and Data Layer (could be a file, database, another API, or any other mechanism…

  • Hindsight’s 20/20

    Hindsight’s 20/20

    New Year, New Name (Hopefully New Client)! When I came up with the name for this project I was very proud, I wish I had done more research before I started to code. You know what they say hindsight is 20/20. Oh well, I should’ve failed earlier. I had to go back to the drawing…

  • Terraform at my day Job

    Terraform at my day Job

    At my day job, I have been working with HashiCorp’s Terraform. Terraform is a way to achieve “Config-as-code” or “Infrastructure-as-code,” and I Love it! Setup As a company grows, it acquires more people, more infrastructure, and new third-party tools, and moves more things to the cloud. Managing changes from many developers to infrastructure or third-party…

  • Project Management for solo dev

    Project Management for solo dev

    Before even starting this project I knew I had to use some kind of project management system. I was deciding between two options: Trello and Basecamp. Trello is a simple-to-use online board: A card, which represents a body of work, is organized in a set of lists or columns. Each column is a state in…

  • Do your research and fail early!

    I have been happily working on this project, part of the fun is figuring out what you’re going to name the project; I considered many metaphors to clearly illustrate the system, finally landing on MetricBeat. Other metaphors were regarding plants or music. One day, a coworker that has been following along this project and giving…

  • Azure VMs, App Services and Me

    Azure VMs, App Services and Me

    When I originally migrated Poller to a Virtual Machine on the cloud, the process was simple and straightforward: Install the services manually, install a database, open the ports so that clients would be able to access the information, and set up a URL that will redirect to that VM. Everything was set for the demo.…

  • Back(end) that app!

    Back(end) that app!

    Before I start talking about the back-end, I want to mention the pattern in which web projects are built: any modern web application has different layers, and each layer should only do what it’s supposed to. Mainly it goes Frontend, Backend, and Data Layer (could be a file, database, another API, or any other mechanism…