Category: Uncategorized

  • The best advice for storing passwords is to not store passwords

    The best advice for storing passwords is to not store passwords

    The first time I did the DMV written test I failed it by 2 points. One of the questions I got wrong was: “What is the best advice for driving under heavy fog?”, the correct answer was “Not to drive”. I disliked that because logically, you are already driving. Not storing passwords I ran into…

  • From Service to AppService

    From Service to AppService

    The first challenge to tackle was what do I need to convert my current service into an AppService? Actually, the real first challenge was: What is an AppService? Developers usually don’t want to deal with anything about services or server setup. AppServices in Azure fixes this. When you create an AppService, after specifying how much…

  • Resource Groups, Budgets, and mistakes

    Resource Groups, Budgets, and mistakes

    Before we go into what is in the cloud, I have to talk about how things we need to use the cloud. Usually, modern applications are made up of smaller applications, services, or sub-systems; all these applications work together to accomplish one goal. All these resources can be grouped in different ways: all databases in…

  • Hi Cloud!

    Hi Cloud!

    As the demo evolved, so did the project. The client’s needs were slightly different from what Hindsight Metrics does. So, a subproject arose: Poller. The name comes from the main activity the project does, polling for information from a given site. The type of information to be polled should be configurable by the client on…

  • Mom-and-Pop shops need metrics too!

    Mom-and-Pop shops need metrics too!

    I went to a small accounting firm that had many clients and every night they would workout any new accounts, update any active and archive closed accounts. If all the work was tracked automatically, the firm would save time and money and would open an opportunity to gain better insight into their business such as…